

The University Further information


The University of Western Australia acknowledges that it is situated on Noongar land, that the Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.


The University of Western Australia (UWA) is recognised internationally as an excellent research-intensive university.

Established in 1911, the University’s ground-breaking research, quality academic staff and state-of-the-art facilities combine to offer a vibrant student experience.

As Western Australia’s premier university, UWA was equal first overall in Australia based on key measures in the Good Universities Guide 2012 including graduate starting salaries, employment prospects, staff qualifications, research intensity and student demand.

The University of Western Australia ranks 96th in the world in the highly respected Shanghai-Jiao Tong University’s Academic Ranking of World Universities.

UWA is the only Western Australian university to belong to the Group of Eight – a coalition of the top research universities in Australia – and it is one of only two Australian members of the Worldwide Universities Network, a partnership of 18 research-led universities from Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific. The University is also a foundation member of the Matariki Network of high quality, research-intensive universities with a particular focus on student experience.

Adjacent to the Swan River, the UWA Crawley Campus is among the most picturesque in the nation with its grand sandstone and terracotta buildings sitting among elegant heritage-listed gardens.

Highest-quality graduates


UWA graduates gain full-time employment at a higher rate than other university graduates in Western Australia and most other Australian universities. UWA students leave with a highly respected qualification and with the skills sought by employers in today’s challenging job market.

Western Australia’s top-achieving school leavers choose to study at UWA as do high-calibre undergraduate and postgraduate students from around Australia and the world, particularly Southeast Asia.

World-class education


Our students benefit from the strong knowledge base and experience of teaching staff, many of whom have substantial international experience.

The University’s strong foundation in research and teaching creates a scholarly environment which promotes the pursuit and rigorous critical interpretation of new information as well as the acquisition of knowledge.

Apart from lectures, tutorials, supervised research, field trips and student placements, the University also provides students with opportunities to apply their knowledge on collaborative projects with business, industry, government and the wider community.

UWA students are also involved in more than 75 student exchange or study abroad programs in North America, Asia and Europe.

Teaching programs


Comprehensive learning programs for undergraduates and postgraduates are delivered across nine faculties and the School of Indigenous Studies.

The faculties are:

Our offshore teaching programs are attended by more than 700 students in Asia, including Singapore and China.



The University has a strong commitment to excellence and this underpins all its activities, particularly in the areas of teaching and research. UWA is responsible for almost 70 per cent of university-based research in Western Australia, attracting researchers of international standing, many of whom are working in the numerous research centres at the University. These academic leaders, including Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall, pass on their knowledge and excite students to learn.

While research covers the full range of disciplines within the University, our strategic research priorities are:

  • plant sciences and sustainable food production
  • ecology, evolution and the environment
  • energy and minerals
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • medicine and health
  • mind and the nervous system

The University’s Graduate Research School has about 2000 higher degree by research students, mostly undertaking PhDs.

International community


The University thinks globally in preparing its students to be citizens of the world. Formal agreements with nearly 230 institutions around the world provide a spirit of internationalism and these partnerships promote a lively exchange of staff, students, knowledge and ideas. UWA teaches several programs offshore in Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila and Shanghai.

The University welcomes more than 4500 international students to its academic programs. Our Crawley campus is a multi-cultural and multi-faith community which includes students from 90 different countries.

By reaching out to the world, UWA continues to enhance its reputation as a genuinely international university that is helping our students reach their goals and dreams.

Faculties and Schools

Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts


Business School


Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

School of Indigenous Studies


How to apply for undergraduate study

You can apply to begin studies at the University in first or second semester. Different steps apply for Australian and International students.

  1. First semester
  2. Second semester
  3. Deferred courses
  4. Started but not completed a degree at UWA
  5. Cross institutional enrolment (from another university)

First semester entry

Australian students

Australian citizens or permanent residents (including humanitarian visa holders) and New Zealand citizens apply through the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre.

Closing dates:

  • On-time closing date: Friday 28 September 2012.
  • The deadline for adding preferences for Assured Entry Pathways to Medicine and Dentistry is Friday 28 September 2012, and late applications will not be accepted.
  • Late applications for other courses will be accepted, with a late fee, until Friday 4 January 2013. Please note: Every effort will be made to process and consider applications for the main round of offers received up to this date, however there are no guarantees, and your application may only be considered in the second round of offers.
  • Students completing Year 12 in Australia in 2012 can add preferences (except for Medicine and Dentistry Assured Entry Pathways) until Friday 4 January 2013.

Contact the UWA Admissions Centre for advice.

International students

International undergraduate applicants must complete this application form and submit it through an authorised UWA overseas representative or directly to the UWA International Centre.

Closing dates:

  • Assured Entry Pathways to Medicine and Dentistry – Applications are accepted and processed from 1 March 2013 to 30 June 2013.
  • All other courses – 1 December 2013.


Undergraduate International Student Application Form [PDF, 494.1 KB]
Updated 1 Nov 2012
Undergraduate International Application Form [RTF, 2.3 MB]
Updated 21 Nov 2012
You must also:

If you will be under 18 when you begin study at UWA you are required by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements while studying in Australia.

Second semester entry

Australian students

Australian citizens or permanent residents (including humanitarian visa holders) and New Zealand citizens apply for second-semester entry directly to the University.

Applications opened:

  •   Tuesday 1 May 2012

Applications closed:

  •   Friday 22 June 2012

International students

International undergraduate applicants must complete this application form and submit it through an authorised UWA overseas representative or directly to the UWA International Centre.

Closing date:

  • 1 June 2013

You must also:

If you will be under 18 when you begin study at UWA you are required by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements while studying in Australia.

Deferred courses

If you are an Australian student who has deferred a place at UWA and now wish to take up your offer, you need to re-apply online.

To take up your deferred place in:

First semester

If you wish to simply take up your deferred place:

Apply directly to UWA

If you wish to be considered for other courses before your deferred course:

Apply through TISC
  • Go to, re-register, and lodge an application on-line
  • List any other courses as higher preferences than your deferred course; list your deferred course last
  • You may need to supply your documents to TISC again

Second semester

You may apply for courses other than the one you were previously offered. We recommend you make your deferred course your last preference. This way, the higher preferences will be checked and if you are unsuccessful in attaining a place, your deferred course will be re-offered to you.

The University will reoffer you a place provided that you have not enrolled in, or continued an existing enrolment in, any other undergraduate or postgraduate diploma or degree program, at UWA or any other tertiary institution since deferring and you re-apply for your place before the closing date.

If this is not the case, you may still re-apply but you will forfeit your guaranteed offer in the deferred course. You will be considered in ordinary competition, largely on the basis of your tertiary results.

If you are an international student, contact the International Centre.

Started but not completed a degree at UWA

If you have previously begun but not completed a degree at UWA, you may be eligible to re-enrol in your original degree or apply to transfer into another course.

If you are an international student, contact the International Centre.

Cross-institutional enrolment from another Australian university

If you are enrolled in an undergraduate degree at another Australian university, you may be able to enrol in some units at UWA that will be credited to your degree.

  • Check with your home university that the units you wish to study at UWA (your host university) will be accepted.
  • Complete an application for cross-institutional enrolment, available from student administration at your home university.
  • Check the UWA information on cross-institutional enrolment.

If you need assistance, contact UWA Student Administration or the relevant faculty. If you are an international student, contact the International Centre.

Admission requirements

The minimum academic standards required for entry to The University of Western Australia are high.

These requirements ensure that everyone, Australian or International, who enters UWA shares the same fundamental level of knowledge and skills necessary to do well in their studies.

To gain a place at UWA, all students must:

  1. demonstrate academic performance by obtaining a sufficiently high score for entry to UWA in one of our entry pathways
  2. achieve UWA’s requirement for English language competence
  3. satisfy any prerequisites for a particular course or major.

Academic entry pathways

UWA welcomes applications from school leavers, mature-age applicants and those with previous tertiary study. Academic performance is the main criterion in the University’s selection process.

The way in which your academic performance is assessed depends on your academic background:

Other qualifications

Other qualifications are assessed on an individual basis. We can advise on whether your educational background is appropriate for entry to UWA.

Alternative entry

Australian students who meet certain criteria may qualify for one of our alternative entry pathways.


For more information on your academic suitability, and how to improve your chances of getting in, contact the:

Postgraduate admission


To study a postgraduate course at UWA you must meet certain prerequisites and provide particular information in your application.

Australian and international students can apply for admission to coursework and research programs.


  • Admission requirements: Most postgraduate qualifications require you to have completed a bachelor’s degree.
  • How to apply: Check all the necessary information about your preferred course, including any specific entry requirements, before submitting your application.


  • Admission requirements: You would usually have a first or upper second class honours degree.
  • How to apply: You can apply at any time of the year for research-only master’s or PhD programs.

Coursework admission requirements

These admission requirements and time limits apply to Australian and International students.

Admission requirements

As a rule, you must satisfy the following requirements for admission:

  • a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, or equivalent
  • specific prerequisites for the course
  • UWA’s English Language Competence requirement.

Time commitments

Courses are normally completed within the following periods.

Graduate certificates

  • six months full-time study or 12 months part-time study, in most cases
  • overall time limit of two years.

Graduate diplomas

  • one year full-time study or two years part-time study
  • overall time limit of four years.

A small number of diplomas require one semester of full-time study and two semesters of part-time study, with an overall time limit of two years.

Master’s courses

  • two years full-time study or four years part-time study
  • overall time limit of eight years.


A postgraduate qualification from UWA will establish or enhance your chosen career.

You can build your knowledge and skills through a coursework degree or extend the understanding of your subject, while demonstrating advanced analytical and project management skills, through a research degree.

  1. Coursework degrees
  2. Research degrees

Coursework degrees

Coursework degrees provide you with the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of an area of study, diversify your educational background or obtain specific vocational training.

Professional doctorates.

Qualifications for the professions

In 2012 the University extended the range of professional degrees to be offered at postgraduate level in order to give more people the opportunity to access these qualifications.

Students who choose to pursue a professional qualification in the following fields complete a postgraduate degree after finishing their bachelor’s degree:

UWA Admissions Centre (M353)


The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, Perth
Western Australia 6009




(+61 8) 6488 2477 – General enquires

1800 653 050 – General enquiries (country callers)


(+61 8) 6488 1226

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Opening hours

Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm