Recruitment and Selection Process of “CLEAN & CARE”


CHAPTER -ONE: Introduction


Statement Of The Research Problem:

CLEAN &CARE is the leading and pioneer commercial cleaning company operating its core business in cleaning and recently emerged as the first one stop cleaning solution in Bangladesh through introducing itself as a selling agent of cleaning Equipments Chemicals and Training provider with professional cleaning service one umbrella.

Since 1999 the history of clean and CARE is now much more than a catalogue of explosive growth. To be in every area of activity “competency” is the practical application of expertise in producing results for customers. We CLEAN and CARE have already resolved to make professional competency as our trademark and now much more capable to provide an all embracing range of cleaning equipments chemicals and service supports in international standard as per client requirement .

Backed by the latest technology skilled workforce round the clock customer support and information systems, we fulfill every requirement of services and products. CLEAN& CARE has built and inherent strength in Dhaka markets with spectacular expansion at other 25+ districts throughout the country also. Part of continuous achievement of international standard CLEAN & CARE attains, different skill improvement training programs from. “The British Institute of Cleaning Science” (BICS).

We anticipate tomorrows demand satisfying today’s needs by the dedicated support of our technical team and management experience across the full spectrum of customer.

Scope and Objectives of the Study


The scope to prepare this report is satisfactory for me. I will get more or less help from the head of HR department of this organization for collecting data related to human resource of CEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited. The business development officer of this organization will help me enough to prepare this report. Most of the data about the recruitment and selection process will be collected from the head office of this organization. The other data related to recruitment and selection of the other organization for preparing this report will be gathered from this organization.

The scope of my report is limited by in Human Resource Management (HRM) practices, Recruitment and Selection process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited.

Objectives of the Report:

In this Report, there are two types of objective. These are:

  • The general objective
  • The specific objective

The general objective:

Presentation of an introduction about “CLEAN & CARE” as a growth oriented company.

  • To familiarized with practical environment.
  • To present an overview of human resources activities.
  • To have an exposure on the “Recruitment and Selection process of CLEAN & CARE      Bangladesh” as a part of human resources management activities.
  • To identify the problems facing by CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh in their Recruitment and Selection process and suggest some remedial measures.
  • To have an exposure on the company through the Recruitment and Selection process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh.
  • To familiarize with practical Recruitment and Selection process of the domestic company.

The specific objective:

The main objective of this report is to have an assessment of “Recruitment and Selection Process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh as a part of human resources management activities of domestic company. The purpose of the report is to familiarize myself with real organizational situation and compare it with bookish concept.

1.3 Methodology of the Study

Usage of the Computer was the basic tool for writing the report. All the daily activities concerning the topic of the report has been updated regularly in the report content and finally submitted.

For further clarification, I made use of the Electronic Mail to contact the concerned person for further details.

This report is prepared on the basis of Recruitment and Selection process of the MNC.

To prepare this report different statement and information helped me a lot. The subject matter of this report is based on secondary sources.

  1. For the successful completion of the report, I have taken assistance from CLEAN & CARE s’ official website,
  2. Some information was carefully selected from the brochures, Knowledge Center and other Policy booklets of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited.
  3. From some human resources related publications.
  4. Data are collected by face to face interview.

Limitation of the Study

I have tried to make a complete this report, though I think I have some limitations, this are as follows:

  1. CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited is not a listed company in the Dhaka Stock Exchange. Hence, some information relating figures of Recruitment budget, Financial Growth, information on critical decision making strategies, formats used to carry out the daily HR activities were difficult to provide due to the confidential nature of the business and it was not under my jurisdiction to provide internal information.
  2. Due to the shortage of time every details study cannot be made.
  3. Non-availability of recent complied and systematic information and data
  4. The insufficiency of information is main constraint of the study because I only used secondary information.
  5. Lack of experience is the constraints of the study.
  6. Some issues are discussed shortly.

CHAPTER -TWO: Discussion

An Overview of the Company & its Recruitment & Selection Process


The CLEAN & CARE logotype depicts birds in a nest, symbolic of the corporate ideals cherished by Nestlé, nurturing love, warmth, stability and responsibility. CLEAN & CARE began as a manufacturer of infant food and grew to become the world’s largest food company. Today, the CLEAN & CARE logo can be found in every corner of the globe.

The Story of an International Company

The CLEAN & CARE story began in Switzerland in 1867 when the company became known with the first milk based foods for babies. Today CLEAN & CARE is the world’s largest food company.

In 1867 Henri Nestlé, a chemist from Frankfurt who had settled in Vevey, Switzerland, became interested in infant feeding. To satisfy a dear need, he developed and produced a milk based food for babies whose mother could not nurse them. CLEAN & CARE perfected a revolutionary product, which immediately saved the life of a two-week-old baby which had rejected its mother’s milk. The new product soon became well known as “Farine Lacteé Nestlé” (CLEAN & CARE Milk Food). He also created the symbol of the ‘Nest” which was also his family coat of arms (in German CLEAN & CARE means little nest”)


Today, with operations in all five continents, CLEAN & CARE employs some 2, 53,000 people and Sales at the end of 2005 were CHF 91 billionn with a net profit of 8 bn. It relies on 487 factories where perishable raw material such as milk, coffee, cocoa, cereals, meat, vegetables and fruits, are processed and transformed into suitably lasting, quality food products.

CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Ltd.

Popular CLEAN & CARE brands entered this part of the sub-continent during the British rule and the trend continued during the pre-independence days of Bangladesh.

CLEAN & CAREBangladesh Limited started its first commercial production in Bangladesh in 1994. In 1998 CLEAN & CARESA. took over the remaining 40% share from our local partner when CLEAN & CAREBangladesh became a fully owned subsidiary of CLEAN & CARES.A.

Their factory is situated at Sreepur, 55 km north of Dhaka. CLEAN & CAREinvested Tk. 110 core so far since 1994. In addition to the new cereal plant, the factory produces instant noodles and repacks milks soups, beverages and infant nutrition products.

1992CLEAN & CARES.A (60%) and Transcom Ltd (40%) entered into a Joint Venture agreement, acquired land at Sreepur, Gazipur.
1994– Started commercial operation in Bangladesh;- Introduced repacking line;

– Introduced Condensed milk manufacturing plant

1997Commissioned Maggi noodles manufacturing plant 1998-Became 100% owner of CLEAN & CAREBangladesh Limited- Commissioned Milo manufacturing plant

– De-commissioning of the Condensed milk manufacturing plant due to unethical practices of local competitors

2001Commissioned Can filling line 2002Commissioned Roller dryer project for manufacturing of infant cereals with local resources2003- Expansion of warehousing facilities in the Sreepur Factory;- Agreement with SEDF for the development of small and medium enterprises for supply of raw materials locally

Corporate Mission Of CLEAN & CAREBangladesh Limited

• Be in every way, the leading Company En the local food industry.

• Ensure high quality standards in everything we undertake.

• Provide consumers with superior quality products.

• Expand total coverage and provide brand wise distribution targets.

• Provide employees a challenging and satisfying work environment

• Be a good corporate citizen and contribute positively to the society in which they operate.

2.6 Expectation from the People

• Courage, solid nerves and composure; capacity to handle stress

• Ability to learn, open mindedness and perceptiveness

• Ability to communicate

• Ability to create a climate of innovation

• Thinking in context

• Credibility: in other words practice what you preach”

• W to accept change

CLEAN & CAREBangladesh Ltd.: Main Brands


Milks:Nido, Nido 2+, Breakfast Cereal
Culinary:Maggi 2-minute Noodles, Maggi Soups, Hot Cup
Beverages:Nescafé, Nescafe 3 in 1, Milo
Infant Milk Food and Cereals:Lactogen-1, Lactogen-2, Lactogen-3, Al 110, Pre-Lactogen, Nan-i, Cerelac, Nestum

* Brands in the marketplace as of 2008


2.7 Human Resource of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited

As of July 20 there are around 227 people working in 7 departments (Finance & Control, Nutrition, Marketing, Sales, Human Resource & Corporate Affairs, Demand & Supply Planning, Information System / Information Technology,) of the Head Office along with 4 Non-management employees.

The Sreepur Factory has about 28 permanent employees working at the moment backed by around 100 non-management employees.

NBL boasts of a relatively young (average age around 33 years) and a well- educated workforce, which provides us with the leading edge in manufacturing quality products. The workforce is carefully nurtured through intensive training programs.

Chapter-3: Concept about Recruitment and Selection


Recruitment is defined as searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient numbers and quality so that organization can select the most appropriate people to fill its needs.


Selection is the process of gathering information for the purposes of evaluating and deciding who should be employed in particular jobs.

In international business, by recruitment and selection we mean the above activities for a multinational enterprise.

Recruitment and Selection Process

The most important activity of any HR division is the recruitment and selection process for the organization. Because the right people are always needed for the right job and for this all the information are provided to the departments which seeking people for them by the HR department. Moreover HR division, do the processes to recruit the right person like interview, medical test, agreement etc, and does advertisement for applicant to submit their resume.

Recruitment process guideline has been created to fill the manpower requirements for both Management and Non-Management employee in CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited. It follows global Human Resource Policies. This policy sets a uniform framework of standards that will support the presence of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited in the market and help to structure the internal processes for excellence in recruiting.

As organizations vary in size, aims, functions, complexity, construction, the physical nature of their product, and appeal as employers, so do the contributions of human resource management. But, in most the ultimate aim of the function is to: “ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs, that is, neither overstaffed nor understaffed in total or in respect of anyone discipline or work grade.

Stage 1

Finding out vacancy

Either replacement or new creation

Stage 2

Job Analysis

Leads to the writing of a job description and a person description

Stage 3

Attracting a field

Applicants’ choice of appropriate field

Stage 4

Short listing

Sorting out candidates by comparing applicants with requirement

Stage 5


By interview and/or by tests

Stage 6

Offer and Acceptance

Contract of employment given to employee

Stage 7


Of the new recruit into the organization





















Recruitment and Selection Process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited.

CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh offers very attractive international experiences for its people. It is a growing business organization in the cleaning sector of Bangladesh employing more than 425 people. CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh is well recognized and appreciated for the talent, energy and commitment of its employees. As recognition of this, a number of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh managers have been assigned to different CLEAN & CARE companies all over Bangladesh. A clear set of Employment Principles, which work in practice globally, unites us and demonstrates our commitment to making this a ‘great place to be.’ It is guided by a set of employment principles that makes us the ‘Employer of Choice’ among many potential employees.

What CLEAN & CARE Expects from its Applicants

Three characteristics, which are closely inter-linked, are crucial for the selection of candidates:

  1. Personality

Candidates should be able to work in a team, integrating well with different disciplines and nationalities, should have leadership qualities , self confident and realistic, with a positive attitude to work and the will to work hard – even under pressure and a good judge mental power to assess thing positively.

  1. Motivation

Motivation should be driven by a long-term perspective and not result from a sudden fancy. People with action and good entrepreneurial quality.

  1. Professional Knowledge

It means university or equivalent qualification achieved with good academic results. In a few positions other experience, training, extra-curricular activities are also important. They will be proof of your willingness to apply theory to practice. However, CLEAN & CARE looks for people who are willing to team throughout their lives. Excellent command over English language is mandatory, since it is the most universally used language.

Process of attracting right people for CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh

CLEAN & CARE, the Bangladesh’s largest cleaning company, offers an attractive and dynamic international working environment with constant opportunities for development, in line with our conviction that people are our source of energy. As a truly domestic company, their criteria for recruitment and promotion are based on professional skills exclusively not on a person’s passport, ethnic or national origin. If applicants are motivated by these considerations and by the information that follows, and then CLEAN & CARE offers application from the right kind of candidate.

CLEAN & CARE’s corporate culture is based on a set of fundamental principles which are strongly influenced by the values of our home country. Bangladesh; respect for the collectivisml; understanding different cultures and traditions global thinking but local action; favoring decentralization and networking; being pragmatic rather than dogmatic; being committed to work and quality. CLEAN & CARE prefers the long-term perspective to short- term thinking.

  1.                     i.            Being the best

CLEAN & CARE’s strategy is geared at attracting and retaining only the very best people – the people who can really make a difference to our business.  Its people learn from each other and create a talent pool of world class management.

  1.                   ii.            Prizing individuality

At CLEAN & CARE, there is no stereotype to conform to. Respect for individuality is key to our success.  The strengths that differentiate one from others are what attract it. CLEAN & CARE value persons expertise rather than stereotyping on the basis of there geographic location.

  1.                 iii.            Personal growth

CLEAN & CARE offers a challenging environment that stretches one’s capabilities to the full.  Limitless career opportunities are here for outstanding performers.  It encourages people to grow to the limit of his/her potential

  1.                 iv.            Team effort

CLEAN & CARE is driven by exceptional and dedicated people with a shared desire to excel as a team.  It invests in a culture which promotes the global interaction of talent, creative thinking, and approaching problems from different perspectives.

  1.                   v.            Rewards

CLEAN & CARE’s remuneration policies are designed to be highly competitive and to ensure real differentiation amongst individuals and teams on the basis of performance. Its employees are rewarded via the challenge of roles in its business, the career opportunities and positive team relationships

  1.                 vi.            Learning

CLEAN & CARE encourages individuals to enhance their skills and knowledge through learning via international and external sources. It believes that working with role models is key; therefore meaningful invested resources in building a meaningful network of coaching, mentoring and feedback to enhance employee personal development.

Whatever function people choose CLEAN & CARE’s objective is the same: it is looking for people with a global perspective who can grow beyond geographical and functional boundaries in pursuit of overall business value.

Recruitment and Selection Policy of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Limited

  • CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh has been in e-resourcing. It focuses on e-based advertisement for more visibility and transparency beside the conventional print media.
  • All recruitment related notices are posted on the website. Candidates are required to fill up the blank resume format provided in the website.
  • The person thinking eligible for a post can apply online or through mail at there local office address.
  • A well-structured and systematic selection procedure is followed to get the most suitable candidate.
  • Following the selection procedure, pre-employment medical examination and reference checks are done
  • It entertains application from recognized universities from home and abroad.
  • Applicant must be a citizen of Bangladesh.
  • It  encourages students with good academic track record to apply
  • It is not prejudiced against race, sex, religion, age etc.
  • Positions will be offered to the candidate on the basis of his/her ability and the requirement of the company

General Steps in the Recruitment Process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh

Recruitment of Permanent employees differs from those of Temporary. For permanent employees, the process is more comprehensive. There are basically 6 Steps in the whole Recruitment Process for Permanent Employees and the whole process is cut short to 3 Steps for the Recruitment of Temporary, Contractual employees and Interns.

There are three categories of job positions candidates can be se for:

  • Intern (for a period of 3 months)
  • Contractual [ position (for a period of 6 months)
  • Permanent position, before which comes the probation period of 6 months.

Recruitment can be of 2 types:

  1. Internal Recruitment:

No formal advertisement is posted on the Internet or Newspaper. Eligible and willing candidates from within the organization are selected for the desired position.

Employee referrals can also be considered under this criterion where the employees within the organization submit personal Profiles of eligible candidates.

  1. External Recruitment:
  1. News Paper Advertisement

It invites application for the vacant position in the national daily newspapers to fill up the position. The design of all media is standardized.

  1. Online Advertisement

Advertisement are posted at where suitable candidates can post there CVs online.

  1. Third Party Agency

Recruitment agencies are at times contacted to cut the initial cost of recruitment.

(I) Permanent Employee:


  1. Collection of Employee Request Form from respective Departments:

If a vacuum is created in any department or there is a need to fill up any position, concerned department fill up an Employee Request Form, which is submitted to the HR department.

  1. Made Schedule for the total Recruitment Process:

Once the Employee Request Forms are collected, a skeleton of the total Recruitment Process is made so as to create an agenda for the next steps.

  1. Advertisement

According to the job description and job specification filled up by the respective departments in the Employee Request Forms, an advertisement is prepared for the required position (s).

  1. Printing of Employment Form

A form is given to the chosen candidates to fill up their details such as Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Age, Location, Marital Status, Educational background, Job Experience (if any), which is later stored by the HR department for documentation


  1. Collection of CVs

CVs are collected until the day of the application deadline.

  1. CV sorting according to the requirements of the position

The HR does primary screening. Each and every CV is carefully studied and only the ones that meet the requirement are selected. Each candidate is given a Unique Identification Number (UIN) by the HR before the CVs are sent to the respective departments for final screening. The (becomes the main tracking code for the candidates all throughout the recruitment process.

The UIN is given by the HR so as to keep track so that no one can include an unscreened CV for personal biasness.

  1. Data Entry

Basic information from the selected CVs like Name, Address, Last Degree attained, Professional experience (if any), contact number, and Serial number are entered into a database.


  1. Venue Fixing

After the respective department does the final screening, the HR gets to know the number of candidates selected for a particular position. A Venue is fixed so as to where the candidates will be asked to appear for their Written Exam.

If the pool of candidates is large, usually the management decides on taking written exam, otherwise, Interview.

  1. Letter Issue for the Written Exam

When the pool of candidates is large letters are issued to notify the candidates of the Venue, date and time of the written exam/Interview using ‘Mail Merge’.

  1. Confirmation of Candidate over phone

When number of candidates is small, they are notified of the Venue, date and time of written exam/Interview over phone


  1. Preparation of Questionnaire for Written Exam

Questionnaire is divided into 4 parts. English, Mathematics, Analytical I IQ and Questions prepared by the respective department to assess job knowledge. The first three parts are prepared by the HR department and the latter by concerned department.

  1. Questionnaire Print

Questionnaires are printed a day before the exam and kept under lock and key.

  1. Exam

Exam is held on the mentioned date, time and venue provided there is no occurrence of any unavoidable circumstances.

  1. Checking of Answer Scripts

Once the exam is conducted, the answer scripts are checked by the HR and the concerned department and entered into a database.

  1. Result Processing

Once the papers are checked, the concerned department selects the eligible candidate to call for interview.

  1. Published the Result:

Results are normally published within 7 working days. Candidates may call or check the notice board outside the Office premises to know their results.


  1. Preparation of Interview Schedule for Preliminary Interview

Schedule for the Preliminary Interview of Candidates who has been selected on the basis of the written exam is prepared and is notifies over telephone the Venue, time and date.

  1. Candidates selected for Final Interview

The management screens the candidates from the Preliminary Interview and is selected for the Final Interview.

  1. Preparation of Interview Schedule for Final Interview:

The schedule is prepared for the Final Interview and candidates are notifies over telephone.


  1. Medical test for the final candidates

The selected candidates are asked to undergo a Medical examination from the to be conducted by the Company’s’ official Doctor.

  1. Final Selection

If the result of the Medical Test is positive, the candidates are selected and in some extreme cases are kept on Waiting list.

  1. Issue of Appointment Letter

The HR department with the approval of the HR Director issues an appointment letter and presents it to the candidate. The letter contains information about the candidate’s date of joining, salary etc.

(ii) Intern & Temporary Employee:


  1. Temporary-Intern Employee Request Form

CLEAN & CARE follows one particular format for the Request Forms for Permanent Temporary/Intern.

  1. Submission of Temporary-Intern Employee Request Form by concerned department

Respective departments fill up the Employee Request Form, according to requirement, and submit to the HR department.


  1. Collection of CVs

CVs are collected from the drop box especially designed for collecting CVs, until the deadline for the application is met.

  1. Sorting of CVs according to the requirements of the position

CVs are carefully screened and sorted according to the job specification and job description highlighted in the Employee Request Form by the concerned departments. A Unique Identification Number is given to the selected candidates by the HR before the CVs are sending to the respective department for final screening. The necessary information of the incumbents are entered into a database and preserved for future use.

  1. Interview Schedule for Preliminary Interview

An Interview schedule is prepared and the selected candidates are notified of the Venue, date and time of the Preliminary Interview over telephone for convenience.

  1. Selection of candidates for Final Interview

Once the Preliminary Interview has been conducted, candidates are short listed for the final interview. Candidates are notified over telephone of the Venue, date and time of the Final Interview.


  1. Final Selection

The cream from the candidates facing the Final Interview is/are selected for the desired position.

  1. Issuing  Appointment Letter

The selected candidate(s) is called and asked to repot at the Head Office to collect the Appointment Letter. The candidate(s) commence on the job without any Medical Examination

Training Program for Recruited or newly Selected Employees

  1. Managers and supervisors of CLEAN & CARE are responsible for recruitment should refer to the information and tools available on the Recruitment Website, which has been developed by human resources specifically to guide recruiters through all aspects of the recruitment process.
  2. Chairs of Selection Committees should apprise themselves of the principles contained in this policy and all aspects of the recruitment process to ensure the best person is selected for a position.
  3. It is also the responsibility of the Chair of the Selection Committee to set aside time at the beginning of the selection process to ensure that all members of the Committee are also informed of these principles and all aspects of the recruitment process.



Findings and Analysis


Specific Findings and Analysis:

After doing a study on Recruitment and Selection process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh the following findings have come out:

  1.                      i.            The history of CLEAN & CARE started nearly 11 years ago in Bangladesh.
  2.                    ii.            CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh believes in personal development of people and wants to build up experienced employees. That is why CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh offers very attractive international experiences for its people.
  3.                   iii.            It is a growing business organization in the industrial sector employing more than 425 people in its seven divisions. So there is a great prospect of employment in future at CLEAN & CARE.
  4.                  iv.            As recognition of this, a number of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Managers have been assigned to different CLEAN & CARE companies around the world.
  5.                    v.            In the recruitment and selection process it follows a pragmatic strategy and avoids being dogmatic.
  6.                  vi.            CLEAN & CARE in its recruitment and selection process, is not at all ethnocentric and follows a polycentric or regiocentric approach for staffing.
  7.                 vii.            It is guided by a set of employment principles that makes CLEAN & CARE the ‘Employer of Choice’ among many potential employee
  8.               viii.            The selection process of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh is built around competency-based assessment techniques, which are designed to be fair, objective and consistent for all.
  9.                  ix.            Talented people join CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh at all points in their career and for many excellent reasons.
  10.                    x.            CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh has been in e-resourcing. It focuses on e-based advertisement for more visibility and transparency beside the conventional print media.
  11.                  xi.            It works hard to attract the right kind of people that can have challenging and rewarding careers within our company.
  12.                 xii.            CLEAN & CARE’s strategy is geared at attracting and retaining only the very best people – the people who can really make a difference to our business
  13.               xiii.            CLEAN & CARE offers a dynamic, diverse environment laden with opportunity; it’s that people find our company a truly exciting and fulfilling place to work.
  14.               xiv.            CLEAN & CARE encourages individuals to enhance their skills and knowledge through learning via international and external sources.
  15.                xv.            It is driven by exceptional and dedicated people with a shared desire to excel as a team.
  16.               xvi.            Its remuneration policies are designed to be highly competitive and to ensure real differentiation amongst individuals and teams on the basis of performance.
  17.             xvii.            To gain competitive advantage CLEAN & CARE is looking for high-caliber people with motivation and the ability to continuously develop.
  18.            xviii.            Its standards are uncompromising and prefer to leave an opening unfilled than to recruit someone who does not meet their criteria.
  19.               xix.            It is a leading domestic in the cleaning group in present world. They are making huge amount of profit every year. They provide attractive remuneration package to its employees. As a result, they can recruit skilled and experienced employees.
  20.                xx.            A well-structured and systematic selection procedure is followed to get the most suitable candidate.

CHAPTER-FOUR: Recommendations and Conclusions


There are recommendations about Recruitment and Selection process of CLEN & CARE Bangladesh. These are as follows:-

  1.          i.            A well-structured and systematic selection procedure should be followed to get the most suitable candidate.
  2.        v.            The recruitment and selection strategy should be attracted and retained only the very best people – the people who can really make a difference to our business
  3.   viii.            The selection process of  CLEAN & CARE   should be built around competency-based assessment techniques, which are designed to be fair, objective and consistent for all
  1. Selection and recruitment strategy and processes should be in place after clear identification of short and long term recruitment needs.
  2. It should ensure that selection and recruitment practice is in line with CLEAN &CARE standards and business needs.
  3. Several days orientation program should be undertaken to provide a clear picture about the organization, its culture, rules & regulation, employees and management body.
  1.  CLEAN & CARE should be appreciated the talent, energy and commitment of employees.
  2. Competitive recruitment and selection processes should be designed to assist the appointment of the most capable person.


CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Ltd’s Human Resource Division gives careful attention to the process of recruitment and selection because these are the people who will contribute to its goal achievement and will take it a step forward.

The over all analysis of the recruitment and selection process of HR division of CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh Ltd. helped me to know the real practice of recruitment and selection in the Corporate World as well as the actual outcome from the department and how it really helps to guide control and develop ifs Human Resources to integrate individual’s objectives with organizational mission and objectives with a view to achieve substantial growth regardless to race, region and culture; in a continuous manner.

CLEAN & CARE Bangladesh   is well recognized and appreciated for the talent, energy and commitment of its employees. It is leading in the present cleaning company’s in Bangladesh. It makes huge amount of profit every year. So it provides attractive remuneration package to its employees. As a result, it can recruit skilled and experienced employees. It works hard to attract the right kind of people that can have challenging and rewarding careers within their company.



1)      Peter J. Dowling, Denice E. Welch and Randall S. Schuler; “International Human Resource Management (Managing People in a Multinational Context)”; Third edition; International Thomson Publishing Gary Dessler; “Human Resource Management”; Seventh Edition; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi-110001, India.

2)      Gary Dessler; “Human Resource Management”; Seventh Edition; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi-110001, India.

3)      William P. Anthony & Others; “Human Resource Management (A Strategic Approach)”; Third Edition; The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College  publisher.

4)      John B Cullean; “Multinational Management (A Strategic Approach)”; First Edition.

5)      David A. Decenzo & Stephen P. Robbins; “Human Resource Management”; Sixth edition; John Wiley & Sons, Inc; New York.

6)  World Wide Web site of