
The Hertie School of Governance is an international teaching and research centre of excellence that prepares students for leadership positions in government, business, and civil society.

An internationally-recruited faculty, interdisciplinary in outlook, research, and teaching, offers analytically-challenging and practice-oriented courses on governance, policy analysis, management, and leadership and helps students grow intellectually in a professional, research-intensive environment, characterised by public debate and engagement.
The School was founded in 2003 as a project of the Hertie Foundation, which remains the major partner.

Welcome to the Master of Public Policy Programme

The Master of Public Policy prepares students for future leadership positions in government, business, and civil society.

It offers analytically-challenging and practice-oriented courses in the areas of governance, policy analysis, management, and leadership. The MPP fosters intellectual growth in a professional, research-intensive environment characterised by public debate and engagement. The School’s services departments assist students in curricula planning, in finding scholarships and securing internships, and in identifying opportunities upon and after graduation.

Teaching at the School follows the Hertie Approach. Its three “I”s form the bedrock of the School’s self-understanding and determination:


The Hertie School’s teaching and research activities balance a problem-solving approach – based on insights from the social sciences, as well as law and history – with a sound conceptual understanding of underlying patterns and processes of governance and policy-making.


New governance structures and policy fields are developing at the intersections of state, economy, and civil society. With the central focus remaining on the public sector, the School recognises the growing importance of private institutions and models of multi-sector governance.


The Hertie School focuses on the potential of multi-level governance in a globalising world. Located in the centre of Berlin, the School brings together students, faculty, and practitioners from all world regions and forms an integral part in a network of leading policy schools.

The Hertie School continually strives to convey a deep-seated understanding of the ethical and moral basis of leadership, public trust, and social responsibility.

How to Apply for the Master of Public Policy

Here you will find all of the information you need to apply for the MPP. For further information, please refer to our FAQs page.

Application Checklist

Only completed applications will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee so please make sure that you include all of the following documents:

  •     Application Form (submitted online)
  •     Curriculum Vitae
  •     Letter of Motivation
  •     Copies of official academic transcript(s)
  •     High School degree certificate
  •     Academic Letter(s) of Reference
  •     For non-native English speakers: English proficiency certificate

It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete. In addition to the minimum requirements (listed above) you can include any other documents that you think will enhance your application and be of interest to the Admissions Committee. You could, for example, include copies of job references (if available), proof of any professional training, part-time jobs, voluntary work, or civic engagement which is relevant to the field of public policy.

Tuition & Financing

The Hertie School is a private, non-profit institution; consequently the tuition fees for the MPP are significantly higher than at public German institutions. Financing is therefore something that applicants should keep in mind when they apply to study at Hertie, but it should not be an impediment for quality students to apply and attend the MPP. The Hertie School offers tuition waivers based on need and merit, and seeks to help students find external financing options as well. Please find here the tuition fees for 2013-2014 Academic Year.
We are happy to announce the available Hertie Tuition Waivers for the Class of 2015!

Last year, 40% of students in the Class of 2014 received Financial Aid from the Hertie School of Governance.  We encourage all interested applicants to apply for Hertie Financial Aid.

The anticipated allocation of tuition waivers for the Class of 2015 is:

[av_table purpose=’tabular’ caption=”] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]Types of Tuition waiver[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’] Amount of available waivers*[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]100%[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]13[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]75%[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]6[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]50%[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]7[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=”][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’] 25%[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-highlight-col’]16[/av_cell][/av_row] [/av_table]

 *These numbers are anticipated, though they may vary depending on how many recipients accept or decline waivers.

Tuition, Fees & Living Costs


Tuition for the entire two-year MPP programme at the Hertie School is currently €27,000 (€ 6,750 per semester).

Please note that students who participate in the professional year programme or take a leave of absence for other reasons will have to pay the tuition valid for the year they return to the Hertie School. The current tuition is valid for students who will join the MPP in fall 2013 and graduate in spring 2015.

Down Payment

A tuition down-payment in the amount of €1,000  is required in the first year in order to secure a place in the incoming class. This payment is part of the first-year tuition of €13,500. For those who apply by our first deadline of 31 January, the tuition down-payment is due 1 May. For those who are admitted on a rolling basis (and after 31 March), the tuition down-payment is due on the 1st day of the month after the admission decision is received via email. It is essential to make your down-payment by the due date or you risk losing your place. In case of questions regarding payment, please email Student Affairs.

 Additional Fees:

176 € per semester | Semester Ticket (public transport ticket for the city of Berlin)

70 € deposit           | Hertie House & Mailbox Keys

  Living Costs

Living costs in Berlin are rather low compared to other metropolitan cities, particularly when it comes to housing. The sum we quote here is a bit higher than average to help you not underestimate costs. An estimate of minimum living costs is currently around €800 per month.

Estimated living costs 2013-2014 per month (Euro)

Health insurance: 80 €
Housing: 350 €
Other living costs: 370 €
Total estimated living costs per month: 800 €

Executive Master of Public Management Programme

Too often, leaders have a thorough understanding of their own fields, but lack the necessary experience and conceptual knowledge to effectively manage projects, budgets, teams, or changes in general. In times of growing internationalisation and Europeanisation, managers also need to have cross-sectoral management skills and the ability to shape and actively control complex decision-making processes.

The EMPM curriculum contains both management and governance dimensions.

Participants develop the skills needed to motivate their staff, design and improve management systems, increase both individual and organisational performance, initiate strategic developments or promote organisational change and innovation.

At the same time, the programme improves policy understanding and focuses on governance models that innovatively tackle cross-sectoral issues in the context of the growing geographic complexity of certain policy areas. Participants learn to assess future policy scenarios and to apply appropriate analytical methods for mastering them.

Participants work on international case studies and discuss phenomena against the background of their own work experience.

Applying for the EMPM

The Executive Master of Public Management is aimed at professionals with at least two years of work experience. Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  •     higher education degree
  •     at least two years of relevant work experience
  •     fluency in English

Passive knowledge of German is an asset but not a precondition for admission.

More details on the admission requirements and procedure.

The EMPM programme starts every year in September.

Applications for the next EMPM Class starting in September 2013, are possible via the EMPM online application module.

  •     15 March 2013 (1st deadline, deadline for scholarship applications)
  •     15 May 2013 (2nd deadline)

Late applications will be accepted on a rolling basis after the second deadline and qualified candidates will be admitted according to space-availability. In case of equal qualification the available places are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Admission Requirements

Academic background

Applicants must have completed a higher education degree. Required is an equivalent of 240 ECTS (minimum of 4 years of studies), but if a candidate can show substantial work experience, 180 ECTS (3 years) may suffice. Most applicants hold a degree in a subject closely related to public management (i.e. social science, economics, law etc.), but the EMPM programme accepts and welcomes other academic backgrounds (natural sciences etc.)

 Professional background

The EMPM is aimed at professionals with at least two years of professional experience (in the current EMPM group, the average work experience of the participants was 11 years). We welcome applications from public administration, the private sector as well as the non-profit-sector.

 Language skills and required verification

The language of instruction at the Hertie School of Governance is English. Candidates must be fluent in English; a good understanding of German is an asset, but not a precondition for admission.

If you can provide proof of a substantial work or study experience abroad, you may not have to provide a language test. Short-term study abroad, au-pair home stays or language school certificates will not be accepted as test replacements.

The Hertie School of Governance recognises the Cambridge CPE and CAE tests, the IELTS, TOEIC® 4 Skills as well as the TOEFL tests. The school code for the TOEFL test is 8874. Test results may not be more than two (2) years old. For your orientation, the EMPM admission requirements may be met by one of the following scores: TOEFL (PBT 550, CBT 220, IBT 80), IELTS (overall score of 6,5), CPE (C), CAE (B).

You can submit your application to the EMPM programme, even if your language test is not yet available. However, please note that admission cannot be issued without proof of your language skills. We therefore advise all applicants to submit your results as early as possible.

Application and Admission Procedure

I. Submission of application

Applications for the next EMPM programme starting in September 2013 should be submitted by our deadlines 15 March 2013 (1st deadline) or 15 May 2013 (2nd deadline) via the EMPM application form. Late applications will be accepted on a rolling basis after the second deadline and qualified candidates will be admitted according to space-availability. Please apply as soon as possible as in case of equal qualification, preference will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The following documents must be submitted:

  •     Completed online application form
  •     Up-to-date CV (europass CV, in English or German, not exceeding two pages in length). Please indicate your academic background and work experience, as well as extracurricular activities which may be of interest to the admissions committee;
  •     Letter of motivation, explaining your specific interest in public management, the EMPM programme at the HSoG, and how it relates to your professional aspiration. Your letter should be of 1-2 pages length.
  •     Copies of your final university transcript. If these documents are not in English or German, you will need to provide a certified/notarised translation into English or German in order to be admitted (see below).
  •     Letter of reference of your current or your last employer (in English or German).

 II. Evaluation of the applications to the programme, as well as of scholarship applications

a) Applications to the programme

A selection committee composed of faculty and staff members of both Hertie School of Governance and University of Potsdam will pre-select qualified candidates.

If your application has been positively reviewed, we will invite you for an interview. The interview will be held either on campus or may be conducted by telephone.

Applications are being reviewed on a rolling basis, but the final decision about all applicants is only taken after the end of the application deadline. However, in case of equal qualification, admission will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis.

b) Applications for scholarships

A limited number of scholarships (these are full or partial tuition waivers – living costs or other expenses are not covered) is available within the EMPM programme. The funds will be granted with a view to the quality of the application, the financial need of the applicant, as well as his/her contribution to the diversity of the student body.

A selection committee, composed by staff and faculty members of both Hertie School of Governance and University of Potsdam, will decide about admission and scholarships.

As soon as the application to the programme has been submitted, applicants will receive a login and password to another website, where they can track the status of their application to the programme, and where they can now also apply for a scholarship. Applicants to scholarships will be asked to fill in and upload a financial statement form before 15 March 2013. After this deadline, applicants can still apply to the EMPM programme until 15 May 2013, but not for a scholarship.

Please note that the admission procedure is strictly “need-blind” and therefore based solely on the quality and coherence of the application. Scholarship applications will only be visible to the selection committee in a second stage, in case the applicant has been admitted to the programme.

Decisions on the number and amount of scholarships granted will be taken only after the end of the admission process. We therefore strongly advise applicants to check alternative and/or additional sources to finance their studies at an early stage. Tax advisors should also be consulted for more information about tax-deduction of professional training expenses.

 III. Admission

In case the interview has been successful, we will issue admission under the condition that the applicant a) provides an English language test result (if applicable), and b) shows the original of his/her final university certificate before or on the day of immatriculation. If the final university certificates are in another language than English or German, they must be translated by a sworn (court-registered) translator. Translations must be literal, i.e. grades should not be transferred into other grading systems.

Tuition and Financing

The tuition fee for the programme is € 27.000, regardless of whether it is completed in one or two years. Usually, the fees are paid in two equal instalments in the one year programme, and in four equal instalments in the two-year programme. Upon request, alternative payment schemes can be arranged.

These fees only account for a small percentage of the overal annual budget of the School. The main part of the budget is provided by the Hertie-Foundation.

A limited number of scholarships (full/partial tuition waivers) are available within the EMPM programme.

EMPM candidates may also apply for scholarships of various institutions and foundations.

Apart from scholarships, financial support is also available through student loans. As the Hertie School has been added to the master designation list of educational institutions for Canada and the United States of America, we are authorized to certify “in-school” loan deferment applications for students from the U.S. and Canada.

In 11 of the 16 German Länder legislation allows employees to attend continuing education courses (paid educational leave – Bildungsurlaub) for several working days per year with no loss in earnings.

In Germany, tuition fees are also tax-deductible as professional training expenses.

Executive Education

The Hertie School of Governance is a professional school for public policy and public management in Berlin. It is an accredited and state-recognised institution of higher education. The School prepares highly qualified students, as well as professionals and executives, for public leadership positions.

The University of Potsdam (UP) is one of Germany’s most innovative universities, with a strong reputation in the fields of modern governance and public management.

Together, the Hertie School and the UP offer executive education training for experienced professionals from all sectors who wish to increase and expand their public management competences as well as their soft and technical skills. In practice-oriented seminars, skills courses and a Workshop in Brussels, participants are introduced to key concepts and tools, and reflect upon current challenges and best practices of public management. 3 Intensive Management Modules as well as 6 Certificates are offered and provide intensive training for gaining true expertise in a selected area. An international team of renowned lecturers from academia, the public sector, and the business world ensure the highest academic quality.

Participants are professionals with an average work experience of about 12 years and an average of 39 years of age. They come from all over Europe and several other continents with diverse institutional backgrounds – from national ministries, to regional or local administrations, European institutions or international organisations, consultancies or NGOs. Lawyers, economists, and social and natural scientists gain insight into other disciplines. The intersectoral, international and interdisciplinary composition makes the courses a unique forum for professional exchange and networking.

All courses (except the Workshop in Brussels) take place in the centre of Berlin and are held in English. They are offered in a compact format, making it easy to integrate them into demanding work chedules, also for professionals from outside of Berlin or even from abroad.

The Executive Education Portfolio:

Executive Seminars (2.5 – 4 days each)

  •     Skills Courses (2 days each)
  •     6 Certificates consisting of three seminars and a skills course (11 days in total)
  •     3 Intensive Management Modules (6 days each)
  •     A Workshop in Brussels (4 days)

Facts, Fees and Registration
Facts, Fees and Registration


Three seminars and one skills course, amounting to a total of 11 days in Berlin
Additional time for the preparation of the seminar, as well as for the follow-up assignment
11 ECTS credits are acquired

Certificate Fee

€ 5.560

Certificate fee includes: attendance, online access to course literature before the seminars, materials during the seminars, beverages in the HSoG cafeteria (open on weekdays), correction and rating of assignments, and a final certificate after full and successful attendance (11 ECTS credits are acquired). Terms and Conditions

Registration is possible throughout the year, on a first-come, first-serve basis. We kindly ask all applicants for the Certificate programme to send us a short CV (in English or German) and their final university transcript together with the registration form. Admission is subject to availability. All seminars except the Brussels Workshop take place at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Participants of the certificate programme must complete the certificate within two years.

Register for a Certificate
Intensive Management Modules


  •     Participation in two seminars during one week, amounting to a total of 6 days in Berlin
  •     Additional time for the preparation of the seminar
  •     No follow-up assignments are required

Module Fee

€ 5.000

Module fee includes: Teaching, seminar material, accommodation incl. breakfast, beverages during the seminar, public transportation pass.
Terms and Conditions

Registration is possible throughout the year, on a first-come, first-serve basis. We kindly ask all applicants for the Intensive Management Modules to send us a short CV (in English or German) and their final university transcript together with the registration form. Admission is subject to availability.

Register for an Intensive Management Module
Executive Seminars / Skills Courses

Executive Seminars: 2.5 Days (Economics Course: Four days) in Berlin, as well as additional time for the preparation of the seminar
Skill Courses: 2 Days, no time for preparation necessary
No follow-up assignment is required

Seminar Fee

€ 1.390

Seminar fee includes: attendance, online access to course documents and materials during the seminar (not for skills courses), beverages in the Hertie School cafeteria (open on weekdays), certificate of attendance. Terms and Conditions

Registration is possible throughout the year, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Register now
Workshop in Brussels

Four days in Brussels, as well as additional time for the preparation of the seminar
No follow-up assignments required

Workshop fee

€ 3.000

Seminar fee includes: attendance, online access to course documents, materials during the seminar, beverages in the Hertie School cafeteria (open on weekdays), certificate of attendance. Terms and Conditions

Registration is possible throughout the year, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Customised Education
Custom-designed solutions for your individual training needs

Upon request, we are pleased to offer training that is specially tailored for the specific needs of an organisation, department or unit. Customized seminars are reserved exclusively for your employees or your designated target group.

Customised seminars can be offered for mid-level, senior-level or top executives. The length of customised seminars will be adjusted to your requirements; seminars usually have a duration of anything between one day and one week.

 Selected customised seminars:

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Towards a Cross-Sectoral Programme Approach in ASEAN, a 4-day high-level Executive Seminar in cooperation with ASEAN, GiZ, AusAid and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

Implementing Principles and Standards of the OSCE, a 5-day Executive Seminar for Kazakh Public Sector Executives.

Europe and Central Asia: Governance and Industrial Development, a 6-day Seminar for civil servants from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations.

Exchanging staff between Public Administration and the Private Sector, a Project in cooperation with Deutsche Bank AG and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI).

Seminars on a.o. the German Federal System for the Diplomats’ College, an initiative by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Welcome to the Doctoral Programme in Governance

The Hertie School offers a three year doctoral programme with a focus on governance and public policy. The programme offers rigorous academic training in research design and familiarises students with cutting-edge theories, methods and concepts in the field of governance. Participants will learn the tools of policy analysis and how to apply them to policy problems across fields and in different domestic as well as international contexts. The programme is targeted at applicants with a strong foundation in either economics, law, political science, sociology, public administration, management or related fields. It offers a stimulating academic environment for candidates interested in exploring modern governance in an interdisciplinary and international context.

In step with the Hertie School Research Agenda

The programme is closely associated with the Hertie School’s Research Clusters (Political Economy, Global and European Governance, and Organization, Management & Leadership). Doctoral candidates will be linked to one of the Clusters.

Contact us

Annick Hagemann

Head of Development

Phone: +49 (0)30 – 259 219 -110

Email: hagemann(at)

Babak Farahani

Development Associate

Phone: +49 (0)30 – 259 219 -109

Email: farahani(at)