01. William Wordsworth collaborated with ____ publish The lyrical Ballads.
A. Coleridge
B. Shelley
C. Tennyson
D. Keats
Correct Answer: Tennyson
02. Drama originated in the ancient Greece in the 5th century as a religious rite to worship ____.
A. Zeus
B. Dionysus
C. Gupid
D. Apollo
Correct Answer: Dionysus
03. “I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs…?” where is this from ?
A. King Lear
B. The Merchant of Venice
C. The Jew of Malta
D. Volpone
Correct Answer: The Jew of Malta
04. Stating someone else’ ideas as one’s own without acknowledging the source can be termed as ____.
A. plagiarism
B. aphorism
C. nepotism
D. pasting
Correct Answer: plagiarism
05. Choose the correct sentence.
A. I like to swim, Playing tennis, and ride.
B. I like to swimming, play tennis, and ride.
C.I like to swim, play tennis, and riding.
D. I like to swim, play tennis, and ride
Correct Answer: I like to swim, play tennis, and ride
06. The Shakespearean phrase ‘green eyed monster’ refers to ____.
A. lust
B. jealousy
C. greed
D. ambition
Correct Answer: jealousy
07. The underlined part in “She felt it was taking a hundred years to complete the exam.” is an example of
A. a simile
B. an understatement
C. a symbol
D. a hyperbole
Correct Answer: a hyperbole
08. What is the antonym of ‘evanescent’?
A. intelligent
B. relevant
C. transient
D. permanent
Correct Answer: permanent
09. Choose the correct spelling.
A. heterogenious
B. hetrogeneous
C. heterogeneous
D. hetarogineous
Correct Answer: heterogeneous
10. If somebody is crestfallen, he/she is ____
A. dejected
B. injured
C. insulted
D. humiliated
Correct Answer: dejected